Me : What’s that lovely smell Dad?
Dad : Peppermint & Eucalyptus my dear!
Me : What’s that for?
Dad : Diffusing them will help with my headaches and I can think clearly. It
helps with my breathing and it is a natural disinfectant. Wintergreen helps withmy muscle sore, I use them as massage oil.
This day was my very first experience with “Essential Oils”, my Dad that I lovedearly was my first teacher in aromatherapy.
During my Dad’s sick days at home suffering from stage 4 lung cancer 10 years ago, he diffused peppermint, eucalyptus, lavender daily. They seemed to have a soothing effect on him. When he left us (physically), every time I smell peppermint and eucalyptus, I know he’s spiritually with me, I miss him so much and tears starts pouring out.
Why? Why does peppermint and eucalyptus affect me so much emotionally?If peppermint and eucalyptus reminds me so much of my Dad, will other essential oils have a different effect on me or anyone else? I want to know more and learn more of this amazing, all natural remedy known as
I am now a NAHA certified level 1 aroma therapist and moving on to level 2 under the guidance of 千沛校長 . Taking the course opened a whole new world to me. Not only did I find out how essential oils can aid one’s emotional feelings, it can actually help in soothing physical pain and other symptoms of sickness. Most importantly, they also act as preventive measures.I have tons of essential oils to explore and they amazes me with their special properties!
Thank you 韻芳香 inviting principal千沛校長to guide me to a more diverse
aromatherapy world. It made my life a lot more “FUN” and “FULL” every day
with aromatherapy.
我現在是NAHA認證的Level 1芳香療法師,並且正在進入Level 2,在千沛校長的指導下進行。上這個課程對我來說打開了我一個全新的世界。我不僅了解精油如何幫助人的情緒感覺,它實際上可以幫助緩解身體疼痛和其他症狀。
Patsy Chang (Hwa Hwa)